
Cosmetic tattooing for eyebrows is perfect for over plucked, sparse, uneven, unsymmetrical, those who have had hair loss, gaining a more youthful look or if you are wanting to ditch the pencil, save time or enhance your existing eyebrows. Whether you want 'Wow Brows' or natural looking eyebrows I can create beautiful defined and flawless eyebrows totally bespoke for you.

Included is a two step procedure, the first to create the perfect eyebrow and another appointment 6 weeks later for a colour top up. Pigment colours are selected based on your skin tone and the treatment is comfortable .

Treatment price

- £375

Booking an


A £50 non refundable booking fee is required on booking, which is deducted from the cost of the treatment. The remaining balance can then be split between the two appointments to spread the cost, i.e. £225 at the first appointment and £100 at the top up appointment. Please be aware Amy has a minimum 3 - 6 month waiting time for treatment appointments.

For more information, contact Amy for a guide with everything you need to know about this treatment.

Please note Amy does not use the manual method of microblading for her work. All treatments are carried out with a digital hand piece, please see FAQs on the difference. Amy will also not carry out any corrections of other work. For refreshes of previous PMU including microblading done elsewhere Amy will need to advise on an individual basis as to whether she will carry out treatment.